CARDIAC (cardboard
aid to
computation) illustrates the
operation of a computer without actually being a computer. It is a very
practical aid to understanding computers and computer programming.
This learning aid and book kit was sent to me by Morgan
Bright. The two photos below show the inside of the interactive
learning aid:
This learning aid came with a
50+ page book covering topics such as
Basic Units of a Simple Computer, Flow Charts, Loops, Instructions, Data,
Addresses, Multiplication, Shifting Digits, Bootstraps, Subroutines, Assemblers
and Compilers.
There are photos of the "Punched Card" and the "Punched Card
Reader" machine and a high-speed printer in the book. The basics of
computers haven't changed since this learning aid was made available by the Bell
System and it could still be used by beginning students to understand the very
basics of computers and programming.
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