In order to be able to read the
descriptions that appear under each of the thirty photo images in this poster, I
scanned the poster in six sections (that's all that would fit on the scanner at
one time!) at 600 dots per inch. I then "spliced" the six cropped sectional
scans together and created a HUGE file.
You can view a close-up of each phone shown in
the poster below simply move your mouse over the one you want to view and click! You can
also "zoom" in on the AT&T description of the poster by clicking on the
AT&T logo or the description under the logo.
Keep in mind that this poster was issued about
30 years ago so the wording may sound strange. For instance, for 1968 it says,
"Although only ten buttons are needed to take advantage of today's telephone
services, the two extra buttons on these sets prepare them for the demands of the
future." Obviously, the future is today! The "pound" (#) and
"star" (*) keys are used in automated computer banking and other automated
telephone services! It sure doesn't seem that long ago that I saw my first Touch-Tone

Picture Descriptions:
Left to Right - First row:
- LIQUID TELEPHONE - "Mr. Watson, come here; I want you!" These historic
words, the first articulate sentence ever spoken over an electric telephone, were uttered
by Alexander Graham Bell when he spilled on his clothes some sulfuric acid which was part
of the transmission apparatus. It was the night of March 10, 1876. The receiver was a
tuned reed.
"My word! It talks!" exclaimed Emperor Dom Pedro of Brazil on June 25, 1876,
when he listened to the receiver of this early telephone at the Philadelphia Centennial
Exposition. One of the judges, Sir William Thomson (later Lord Kelvin) called Bell's
invention "the most wonderful thing in America."
The round, camera-like opening on this box instrument served as transmitter and receiver,
needed mouth-to-ear shifts. Developed by Bell in the fall of 1876, it went into service in
1877 when a Boston banker leased two instruments which were attached to a line between his
office and his home in Somerville, Mass.
- BUTTERSTAMP - In 1877 Bell designed the first set with a combined receiver an
transmitter that could be held in on hand. It was made of wood and resembled a dairy
butterstamp, hence its name. It was in service when the world's first commercial
switchboard opened in New Haven in 1878. The pushbutton was used to signal the operator.
1878 -
WALL SET - People often became confused by using the same device for talking and
listening, so a new feature was added - a second wooden transmitter-receiver. You could
use either for talking or listening, but you didn't have to move the instrument from mouth
to ear. The crank was turned to generate power to signal the operator.
1880 -
BLAKE - The Blake transmitter greatly improved telephone service. Here, its walnut
case has been mounted on an adjustable stand to make one of the earliest desk sets. This
Instrument, invented in 1878 by Francis Blake, Jr., employed carbon - a technique
developed by Thomas Edison - and transmitted the voice with increased clarity.
Left to Right - Second row:
- MAGNETO WALL SET - This handsome instrument, encased in oak and using the Blake
transmitter and Bell's hand receiver, was the first telephone built for the Bell System by
Western Electric. It was in service for many years and was one of the first side-winder
models on which you turned the crank to signal the operator.
The search for better ways of transmitting the voice led to the development of this model
which used a platinum diaphragm for better long distance transmission. The instrument
shown in this picture actually was used by Bell and late by Theodore N. Vail, organizing
genius of the Bell System.
1892 -
DESK SET - An early effort to make the telephone more decorative as well as more
compact can be seen in this souvenir of the <1890's>. The carbon transmitter is
becoming less unwieldy, the receiver has been reduced in size so that it was called a
"watch case" receiver and the ornate base reflects the taste of the era.
1897 -
DESK SET - In the early 1890's the telephone began to assume the shape in which it
was to become familiar to Americans for the next three or four decades. This ancestor of
the upright desk set was made in 1897 and represented a refinement of earlier similar
models. It was made of cast brass.
- COMMON BATTERY - The effort to make telephoning more convenient is perpetual.
The early telephones were voice-powered. Then a wet battery was used which, though an
improvement, sometimes resulted in acid on the carpet. Dry batteries came next. The fourth
stage was the common battery, with the power supply at the exchange.
- MAGNETO WALL SET - This is a more modern version of the telephone with a
built-in generator mechanism to provide current for signaling the operator. Almost exactly
similar telephones were in general use from the late 1890's through the 1930's. Some still
are in service in rural areas <in 1969>. Note enclosed receiver terminals, an
improvement of 1907.
Left to Right - Third row:
1910 -
DESK SET - This somewhat streamlined pedestal desk telephone first appeared in
black finish in 1910 though its prototype - a nickel plated affair - dates back to the
turn of the century <1900>. These telephones were made of cast brass and later steel
and were the All-American standard for the next quarter century or so. Some still are in
use <1969>.
1913 -
WALL SET - The wall telephone is becoming more compact. Instruments like these
were in general service and were also forerunners of today's Home Interphone System. They
provided intercommunication within the home and were advertised by Western Electric as
"the greatest little step-savers that ever helped a housewife."
- DIAL TELEPHONE - The first dial telephone exchange is credited to Almon B.
Strowger who introduced it in LaPorte, Indiana, in 1892. It was many years, however,
before switching equipment was sufficiently developed to permit dial installation in
larger cities. New York City, for instance, began to get the dial in 1922.
1928 -
DESK SET - America got a new look in telephones in 1927 when the combined receiver
an transmitter idea, used since 1878 by telephone linesmen, was sufficiently improved to
be adapted for general service. It was popularly known as the "French phone"
because it resembled continental instruments.
1930 -
DESK SET - This telephone like the 1928 set came with or without dial and
resembled its predecessor except that instead of a round base it had an elliptical or oval
base. Within a few years after its introduction it was being offered in a variety of
finishes including ivory, gray, statuary bronze, oxidized silver and in gold.
- "300" TYPE DESK SET - An innovation in desk set design was the placing
of the bell in the base of this model. Earlier versions had housings made of metal but
plastic was substituted in the early 1940's. The "300" served throughout World
War II while the energies of most telephone people were devoted to defense work.
Left to Right - Fourth row:
- TELEPHONE KEY SET - Here is an early model of a widely used business telephone,
with one "hold" button and five others for calling, signaling or access to other
extensions. During more than a quarter of a century <to 1969> of service, this type
of telephone has proved very useful for both internal and external communications.
- "500" TYPE DESK SET - First in the new "500" series, which
later would include a variety of colors. Rugged and functional, the "500" is the
most commonly used telephone in the United States today <1969>. Standard with all
the sets in this series is an adjustable volume control for the bell located in the base
of he telephone.
1954 - "500" TYPE COLOR DESK SET
- In 1954 the telephone started to become a decorative house hold item. Although some
colored telephones were available much earlier, they did not gain widespread popularity
until the advent of the "500" color series. The five basic colors currently
<1969> available are white, beige, green, pink and blue.
- WALL TELEPHONE - The telephone returns to the wall in this companion piece to
the "500" desk set. Designed for convenience, the wall set is most often used in
the kitchen where counter and table space is at a premium. It is also popular in such
areas as basements, garages, and covered patios. Colors: White, beige, yellow, and pink.
- SPEAKERPHONE SET - Microphone and speaker units free the user's hands to make
notes or look up reference material. It also permits conference conversations between
groups at different locations. If privacy is desired, it may be used as a conventional
telephone. Colors: White, beige, green, gray, pink and blue.
Used in a variety of business office applications, the Call Director set was designed to
handle several incoming, outgoing, and inter-office calls at the same time. There are two
main type = the 18- and 30-button models - which can be used with handset, headset, or
speakerphone. Colors: White, beige, green and gray.
Left to Right - Fifth row:
little, it's lovely, it lights
" The desk set gets a smart new look.
Compactness, attractive styling and illuminated dial (it lights up when you lift the
handset or you can keep it on as a night light) contributed to the all-round usefulness of
the Princess telephone which comes in white, beige, pink, blue and turquoise.
outgrowth of the inter-communicating services offered to businesses for many years, Home
Interphone service employs specially equipped telephones and speakers to handle regular
telephone calls, communicate between rooms, talk with someone at the door, check on
children, even call a dog to his dinner.
- PANEL PHONE - Latest in the line of wall telephones, the Panel Phone mounts
flush with the wall. A special feature is a retractable handset cord that winds up
automatically within the set. There are two color combinations: Copper faceplate with
beige handset, and anodized aluminum faceplate with white handset.
Heralding a new era in communications, the dial is replaced by pushbuttons. As each button
is pressed, two simultaneous musical tones are generated and transmitted to a central
switching office, then translated into a series of pulses similar to those made by the
standard telephone <rotary> dial. It is now <1969> in production by Western
- Latest in the line telephones is the 12 button Touch-Tone Trimline set which
combines handset and pushbuttons in one lightweight unit. Although only ten buttons are
needed to take advantage of today's <1969> telephone services, the two extra buttons
on these sets prepare them for the demands of the future.
- PICTUREPHONE SET - See the person you're talking to? It's the newest step in
telephone equipment. This is the Mod II Picturephone set now in pilot production at
Western Electric. The picture unit has a "zoom" feature which permits individual
or group viewing. Mod II includes a new 12 button Touch-Tone telephone.